Karen Simpson, Manager of Behavioural Supports and Dementia Care expert at Extendicare, speaks with CTV News about the Behavioural Support Transitional Unit (BSTU) at Extendicare Rouge Valley.
The story features this specialized unit which is designed to care for residents living with dementia who have complex behavioural needs. The aim of the BSTU is to develop comprehensive and personalized care plans that incorporate their personhood, help alleviate responsive behaviours, and improve quality of life.
Karen takes viewers through the BSTU’s hallways which feature sensory boards with calming images and sounds that engage residents.
“Visual displays that might trigger memories from the past that are comforting or calming,” Karen explains in the story.
She adds that various areas in the BSTU’s activity room, such as the workshop station, can help “enable a resident’s lived experience, in particular with previous occupations they have had.”
Person-centred care
This person-centred approach to care is unique in developing individualized support and helps to make residents calmer and more comfortable.
“There are behaviours that are responsive to medication but there are also behaviours that are not responsive to medication, where behavioural strategies like communication, relaxation activities, music therapy are more beneficial to the patient,” says Dr. Tanya Pinto, a Geriatric Psychiatrist from Scarborough Health Network, a partner with Extendicare Rouge Valley’s BSTU.
This collaboration provides people living with dementia and responsive behaviours support from an interdisciplinary team with expertise in dementia care and mental health, as well as support for families with hospital to transitions in the community.
Benefits of the BSTU
The goal of the transitional unit is to develop plans to help care providers and families better manage behaviours for the individual to live successfully at their next long-term care home.
The health-care team says the BSTU benefits residents, family members and caregivers.
“Residents experience overall improvement in responsive behaviours and their quality of life,” says Karen. “Family members have shared that they experience improved satisfaction, engagement, and sense of relief knowing their loved one is in a safe and nurturing environment.”
Watch the CTV story: Stabilizing the behaviour of dementia patients
Learn more about the BSTU: Understand their needs and their story, and high-quality care follows | Specialized dementia care at Extendicare Rouge Valley – Improving Care Plan